fifty years have ridden off into the sunset
I'm sorry but I'm just thinking of the right words to say
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be
But if you wait around a while I'll make you fall for me
I promise, I promise you I will

A view of Port Jefferson and the inlet from Centennial Park. Basically the inlet forms a U, with two wings of sand surrounding it. This is the eastern wing. Don't know if I'm a fan of the view itself, but the framing is kind of neat. Most of the pics I've taken recently I'm not all that happy with, so this will have to suffice.
Skyscape |
6:10 PM, Friday, December 08, 2006 |

Thursday afternoon, I arrived on campus for my class, and as I was getting out I noticed the sun and clouds. I've seen something like this happen before, but I've never had a camera with me when I saw it; now having a camera with me at school, I leave it in the car so that it's always there if I want it. Moments like these are why.
I took three different shots of this particular scene. Two had the light pole and building top; one didn't. Unfortunately one of the big things that made me want to take the picture is the flaring from beneath the clouds, which I couldn't get and yet not take the light pole.
Oh well.
Saturn |
8:49 PM, Tuesday, November 07, 2006 |

This isn't actually one of mine, but I wanted it up here for the sake of the photograph itself. This is a photograph of Saturn by the Cassini spacecraft in orbit. It's a beautiful shot of the planet and its rings. Well, multiple shots actually -- it's a composite of 165 different images taken by the spacecraft over 12 hours.
In fact, Earth itself is visible just inside the outer ring, at the 10 o'clock position. That bright dot is Earth.
Kinda makes you think about just how small a speck Earth really is.

I'm not sure why I like this shot so much. Part of it is the combination of angles and light, but it's not the best picture I've ever taken or anything. I think it just evokes a sense of calm for me. Plus I like the way the walkway's angle seems to be reflected in the clouds above; you have them both widening into the foreground of the picture. The detail on the water is kinda neat but again nothing really special.
I dunno. I just like it, I guess.

While there are times I enjoy shooting landscapes or other inanimate objects, a lot of the fun in photography for me is capturing the essence of a moment between people. This picture, to me, illustrates exactly why photography holds such a large piece of my interest.
The ability to take a moment that several people are sharing and set it down on film or disk is a powerful thing. You can look back at it and wonder exactly what was going on, or smile as you remember the way he was looking at her, or the conversation those friends were having ...
Here, you get to think about things like the reason for him holding two jackets, or just why he's standing in such an awkward way, or the reason for the little smile on his face. Which are all probably related, to tell the truth.
I wish I had some of my film pictures to upload here from years ago. Some of those are ones I'm truly proud of, and it's moments like these that illustrate why.