Skyline Faded Blue
fifty years have ridden off into the sunset
Quote of the Moment
I'm sorry but I'm just thinking of
  the right words to say
I know they don't sound the way
  I planned them to be
But if you wait around a while
  I'll make you fall for me
I promise, I promise you I will
Who Said That?
2:40 AM, Sunday, August 31, 2003

Someone told me, "There is no shame in having no answers, but only in having no questions."

Who? This is going to nag at me all night ...

2:52 AM, Saturday, August 30, 2003

My wallet is so not looking forward to the next four months. November is going to be particularly bad. Granted I still have most of the Christmas money I scraped together last year but right now I'm tired of everything costing so bloody much. And, to be honest, these release schedules suck. Why? After spending roughly $5 a month for music and books from January through most of August, I dropped roughly $300 on DVDs and books this month (and then naturally screwed up my order, sending me two sets of the DVDs I ordered so now I risk having another $215 charged to me if Mom doesn't send them back on time because the second set is of course arriving at my house the day AFTER I leave for school), this is what I have to look forward to (yes yes, I know, I'm such a fanboy, now deal with it):

The Final Prophecy comes out September 30. Prophecy and Change comes out sometime in September (it seems this will be a good month for prophecies, wonder what else I'll find).

Nothing yet. Thankfully. Ah, for some small favors.

Jars' Who We Are Instead (no link, nobody seems to have the artwork yet) comes out November 4 (as a side note, "Show You Love" and "Sunny Days" are good, although I have my doubts about "Trouble Is"; tracklist to follow at the end of this post, if I ever get there). The Unifying Force comes out sometime in November. The Extended Edition of Two Towers comes out on November 18. Unity comes out in November. The last two seasons of B5 on DVD are, presumably, coming out in time for the holidays, meaning they will be a birthday and/or Christmas present, if I have anything to say about it. This means, were Warner Bros a sane company, one would come out in October and the other in early December. Since Warner Bros is, in fact, not a sane company, and the universe conspires to make my life as miserable as possible, they will in fact both come out in November.

The Grand Crusade, DragonCrown War book 3, for which I've been waiting nearly two years, comes out December 30 (side note: that cover is incredible, just like the other two, three if you count The Dark Glory War). Return of the King, not to mention the LotR Trilogy Viewings, releases in December -- the third and final birthday present I'm getting from New Line.

And I still have all my school books to buy.

*sigh* I don't want to be rich, I just want all these things to be free.

Who We Are Instead tracklist:
01. Show You Love
02. Lonely People
03. Amazing Grace
04. Sunny Days
05. Only Alive
06. Love Like Mad
07. Faith Enough
08. Jealous Kind
09. Lesser Things
10. Shipwrecked
11. Trouble Is
12. Jesus Blood Never Failed Me Yet
13. I'm In The Way
14. My Heavenly

Notes: Ron Aniello (Lifehouse, Guster, Barenaked Ladies) and Ben Mize (Counting Crows), as well as a couple others, are gainfully employed on this album. "Amazing Grace" is not, in fact, the hymn, but an original Jars composition.

Insomnia Sucks
12:59 PM, Friday, August 29, 2003

Ugh. I need a switch to turn my brain off or something. I went to bed at 2 last night. 2! And I was there for two and a half hours pondering the nature of the universe. Why can't I have these thoughts at three in the afternoon?

The Difference
11:48 PM, Thursday, August 28, 2003

Slow-dancing on the boulevard
In the quiet moments while the city's still dark
Sleepwalking through the summer rain
In the tired spaces you could hear her name

When she was warm and tender
And you held her arms around you
There was nothing but her love and affection
She was crazy for you
Now she's part of something that you lost

And for all you know, this could be
The difference between what you need
And what you want to be
Yeah, what you want to be

Night swimming in her diamond dress
Making small circles move across the surface
Stand watching from the steady shore
Feeling wide open and waiting for

Something warm and tender
Now she's moving further from you
There was nothing that could make it easy on you
Every step you take reminds you
That she's walking on

And for all you know, this could be
The difference between what you need
And what you want

Every word you never said
Echoes down your empty hallway
And everything that was your world
Just came down

Day breaking on the boulevard
Feel the sun warming up your secondhand heart
Light swimming right across your face
And you think maybe someday, yeah maybe someday

For all you know, this could be
The difference between what you need
And what you want

For all you know
For all you know
For all that you know
This is what you want to be
Yeah, what you want to be

Fall 2003 Schedule
9:40 PM, Wednesday, August 27, 2003

8:00 AMAMS 361/01POL 102/01AMS 361/01POL 102/01
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AMESE 305/01ESE 305/01
10:30 AMESE 271/R03
11:00 AM
11:30 AMESE 271/01ESE 271/01ESE 271/01
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
1:00 PMESE 218/01ESE 218/01ESE 218/01
1:30 PM
2:00 PM
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
5:30 PMAMS 361/02
6:00 PM
6:30 PM

I have a problem
2:21 PM,

Yes. I do.

There and Back Again
2:53 AM,

I'm getting so tired of PHP. And I haven't even done that much work with it since writing that bloody mail script. I need a way to learn by osmosis or something.

In other news, getting ready for uni again. I'm not sure I'm ready for this. Seems like life's gone by so fast since I started a year ago. Am looking forward to getting back together with friends and acquaintances however. Given my inability to hold a coherent thought and write about it, perhaps a change of scenery will be good for me.

On the other hand, getting up at 8am four days a week will not be good for me. I think I'm going to die before the semester is out. Either that, or I'll be hoping that my classes in that slot are easy and I don't need to attend the lectures. I had enough trouble getting up for my 9:50s last semester.

Packing is getting to me. Life is getting to me. Lack of inspiration is getting to me. Web programming is getting to me. I need a revolver and five bullets.

Open query for readers, in a blatant attempt to get my synapses firing again: Some describe the human condition as the summary of our experiences. Others say that we are more than this; that there is some part of us which remains inviolate, proof through the most traumatic -- or rapturous -- of experiences.

Person A says that a pessimist is such because his or her life has taught him to be; Person B says that a pessimist will always be a pessimist, even if he or she is the luckiest person in the world (this is the "The hurricane is going to miss my house? Hah, it'll change course and go right through my most expensive china." sort of person).

So, A or B? Does life define us, or does our outlook define life?

New Roommate
8:15 PM, Monday, August 25, 2003

Well, I got a call from my roommate today. He sounds like a decent enough guy, is going to be a second-semester sophomore transferring to SB from Buffalo. Should be an interesting semester; hope he turns out better than the last. If not, I will be holding open complaint forums ... well, everywhere.

On Spam
3:11 PM, Friday, August 22, 2003

'nuff said, really.

The Edge of Water
9:47 PM, Thursday, August 21, 2003

Have you ever been haunted the way I've been by you?
And have you ever felt the measure of the days that
I've spent waiting, pining for you?

I can't see the sun for the daylight
I can't feel your breath for the wind
I don't want to step from these shadows
'till you're coming back again

I'll dam the emotions to keep my lanterns lit
I'm shaken by this longing that courses through my veins
In my mind, I can't make sense of it

I can't see the sun for the daylight
I can't feel your breath for the wind
I get so used to these shadows
Are you coming back again?

Do we give up the search and turn out the light
And give up this Holy Ghost that rattles through the night

I can't see the sun for the daylight
I can't feel your breath for the wind
I don't want to step from these shadows
'till you come back again

I can't see the sun for the daylight
I can't feel your breath for the wind
I get so used to these shadows
Will you chase away these shadows
When you come back again?

Questions. Questions that need answering.
11:27 AM, Wednesday, August 20, 2003

If one question best defines the human race, it is "Why?" We are always required to give an occurrence meaning. An avalanche wipes out a village. "Why did it happen?" A car accident claims the life of a loved one. "Why?" From time immemorial we have asked this question.

Why? Because. Because that is our life. Human beings are defined by three things, and all of them are characteristics.

We are defined by our capacity to love, to care, to extend beyond ourselves and offer some small measure of comfort to someone who is in pain, though they are a perfect stranger.

Our ability to question: to reason, to think, to conclude from evidence that one idea or another is correct. This is the basis of the question Why?, the question that so consumes us.

And last, but certainly not least, what makes us human is that we have so many different ways to feel pain. To hurt. To cry. To suffer.

Is this truly a necessary capacity? Perhaps. Without the third characteristic, the first could not manifest itself; and so we would lose not one part but two parts of the human experience. Yet the pain of life is sometimes too much to bear, even for the strongest among us. And so we lose people to grief. Why?

Because that is the cost of being human.

Thought-Provoking Books
10:35 PM, Sunday, August 17, 2003

How odd. Of the seven books I bought yesterday, plus one more I was waiting to read, three of the six I thought would be light reads have turned out to be some of the most thought-provoking stuff I've read since ... well, since Blade of Tyshalle.

I shall have to investigate this further.

More -ations
9:03 PM, Saturday, August 16, 2003

Speaking of my -ations slipping away, Enetation is down.


Pot, Meet Kettle, of a sort
8:52 PM,

I just dropped $60 on seven new books. Oi.

On the other hand, it *is* quality reading material, including a couple of books about Christianity in the 20th and 21st centuries. It should be interesting to see the reaction of certain ... how to put it ... "conservative elements" to them.

It's a good time to be a heretic.

11:27 PM, Friday, August 15, 2003

Not only do I have no inspiration at the moment, I also have no motivation. Not good.

All my -ations are rapidly slipping away. Like "vacation". And "any pride in this nation".

Service Restored
10:46 PM,

Main host is back up.

Server Still Not Up
5:49 PM,

University server is still down, however I have found new webspace which allows both PHP scripts and external linking to images. Skylinefadedblue's back. ;-)

Service Temporarily Down
7:49 PM, Thursday, August 14, 2003

Due to the power outages currently affecting much of the eastern United States and Canada, my university server is no longer online. To reduce load times (and browser errors) I have commented out all the code that calls said server. This includes the background, my custom blogger icons, and any images I've posted to this blog.

I'll be replacing that code when the server goes back up. Thanks for being patient.

Erubiel Durazo
12:31 AM,

Erubiel Durazo, you are a bum.

Bases loaded, two out, down by two, and he strikes out. Runners at second and third, two out, down by four, and ... he strikes out!

Durazo, you are so fired.

Customer Service
5:57 PM, Wednesday, August 13, 2003

I hate customer service, customer relations, and doing things for customers.


Because the customer always has no clue what he or she wants until you finish the project, then you get, "Oh no, it's all wrong, I didn't want it like that." And the way they tell you they want it is either impossible, hideously ugly, or both.


<sarcasm>Of course, the customer is always right.</sarcasm>

I need a drink.

New music?
4:39 PM,

I think the Tissue Culture room here is suspended in its own little pocket of time. I went in to do a drug treatment and the guy on the radio says, 'This is Nelly Furtado with a new song, "I'm Like A Bird".' Uh, except that song's three years old, no better now than it was before, and that station is where I first heard the song.

Either that or it's commentary about Mix 98.5. Probably the latter. They're still playing "Iris", after all. And they chose to pass on "Life Got In The Way" and "Your Mistake". Their mistake.

Another Hypertext Language
2:17 PM, Tuesday, August 12, 2003

I officially hate PHP.
Thank you, that will be all.

Piracy or Lunacy, Part II
12:28 PM, Monday, August 11, 2003

For all you wannabe Alan Dershowitzes out there who think that just because information is on the internet, it should be free to everyone with a modem and half a neuron, I have thoughtfully provided this image.

Star Wars spoiler junkies, I laugh at thee.

12:38 PM, Friday, August 08, 2003

I have literally nothing interesting to say.


With Every Breath
1:02 AM, Thursday, August 07, 2003

Hallelujah from the heavens
Hallelujah in the heights above the earth
Hallelujah all His angels
Hallelujah for the last will be first
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord

Hallelujah in the morning
Hallelujah for the beauty of His scars
Hallelujah in the twilight
Hallelujah sun and moon and shining stars
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord

When the night seems so long
You can sing a new song
When you're weak, He is strong
He can heal your wounded soul
And calm the storm inside

For all your times of laughter
In every hopeful prayer
When the world weighs on your shoulders
Through sorrow and your despair
With everything, with every breath, praise the Lord
Let everything, let every breath praise the Lord
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord
Let everything, let every breath praise the Lord

When the night seems so long
You can sing a new song
When you're weak, He is strong
He can heal your wounded soul
And calm the storm inside

Sail Away -- For Public Consumption
9:35 AM, Tuesday, August 05, 2003

SH finally put "Sail Away" up on their website ... only a week late, guys. ;-) Listen to it. You won't be sorry.

Piracy or Lunacy?
12:56 AM,

Bearing in mind that this is, the official Star Wars website, run by LucasFilm, fourth in copyright Nazism behind only Microsoft, Paramount/Viacom, and Decipher, how stupid do you have to be to do this:

Total Posts: 1
Member Since: Apr 22, 2002 10:53 PM

online books
Date Posted: Aug 4, 2003 9:23 PM
» Edit | » Delete | Locked

hello, i am wondering if there is a site where all the starwars books are online for free?i have about 4 books, but i do not have the money to buy more. can anyone help me?

Mary Had A Little Lamb
9:26 PM, Monday, August 04, 2003

Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was slightly grey
It didn't have a father, just some borrowed DNA

It sort of had a mother, though the ovum was on loan
It was not so much a lambkin as a little lamby clone

And soon it had a fellow clone, and soon it had some more
They followed her to school one day, all cramming through the door

It made the children laugh and sing, the teachers found it droll
There were too many lamby clones for Mary to control

No other could control the sheep, since the programs didn't vary
So the scientists resolved it all by simply cloning Mary

But now they feel quite sheepish, those scientists unwary
One problem solved but what to do with Mary, Mary, Mary.

So much for excuses
11:31 AM, Saturday, August 02, 2003

This is flippin' ridiculous. I deal with and knock down every excuse she comes up with as to why I can't go to the concert tomorrow, and I still can't go. Why not just say, "You can't go because I'm unreasonable and I really don't have any good reasons, but you can't go and that's that."? At least it'd be easier to swallow.

Though ... heh. I guess she kinda did say that, huh?

This, my dear friends (and others), is why some people will simply never understand music.

The Distance
9:45 PM, Friday, August 01, 2003

The sky has lost its color
The sun has turned to grey
At least that’s how it feels to me
Whenever you're away

I crawl up in the corner
To watch the minutes pass
Each one brings me closer to
The time you’re coming back

I can’t take the distance, I can’t take the miles
I can’t take the time until I next see you smile
I can’t take the distance, and I’m not ashamed
That with every breath I take I’m calling your name
But I can’t take the distance

I still believe my feelings
But sometimes I feel too much
I make believe you’re close to me
But it ain’t close enough
Not nearly close enough

I can’t take the distance, I can’t take the miles
I can’t take the time until I next see you smile
I can’t take the distance, and I’m not ashamed
That with every breath I take I’m calling your name
But I can’t take the distance

I’d brave fire and I’d brave rain
To be by your side I’d do anything
I can’t take the distance

I will go the distance, I will go the miles
That’s how much you mean to me
I can’t take the distance, I can’t take the miles
I can’t take the time until I next see you smile
I can’t take the distance, and I’m not ashamed
That with every breath I take I’m calling your name
I can’t take the distance

It's hard to remember as long as you're away
Can I find solace, 'cause I can't take this distance anymore

04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003
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06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007

"The Middle"
  Jimmy Eat World
"World Inside My Head"
  Sister Hazel
"These Ordinary Days"
  Jars of Clay
"Another Me"
  Sister Hazel
"Right One For Me"
  Drew Copeland
"Anna Begins"
  Counting Crows
"She Don't Want Nobody Near"
  Counting Crows
"Grave Robber"
"What If His People Prayed"
  Casting Crowns
  Sleeping At Last
  Jars of Clay
"Shiver Me Timbers"
  Bette Midler
"Champagne High"
  Sister Hazel
"Abba, Father"
  Sister Hazel
"Fly Farther"
  Jars of Clay
"Glory of God"
"The Difference"
  Matchbox Twenty
"The Edge of Water"
  Jars of Clay
"With Every Breath"
  Sixpence None The Richer
  Featuring Jars of Clay
"The Distance"
  Evan and Jaron
"Van Diemen's Land"
"Sail Away"
  Sister Hazel
"Song For The Mira"
"Little Bird, Little Bird"
  Man of La Mancha
"Feel the Nails"
"Einstein on the Beach"
  Counting Crows
"Leaving on a Jet Plane"