9:42 PM, Friday, May 23, 2003 |
Here's "odd" for you. Kevin Reitzel is in MA for the Fierce. Black Rider Tour for LotR TCG and there was a bounty tournament tonight in Somerville. So I go, having no TTT cards at this point, but I get an Eowyn BoHD starter (store was out of Legolas ... bleh) and I'm putting my name down and I see a familiar one just ahead of me on the list.
So we go through the tournament (which I did horribly at, btw; I won my first game by luck and my next two I dropped because of stupid mistakes on my part) and by the end I've figured out where I know the name from. It's JainaMSolo from forums.starwars.com ... so that was a bit of a surprise. What are the odds of showing up to an LotR tournament and running into someone you know from online, and only from online?
... well, okay, so it was a kind of major event, and yes, I knew she played LotR, but still ...
Anyway, so that was kind of cool. Her reaction was funny when I told her who I was. Oh, and I ended up getting a pair of Final Counts through trading, and a Sting, Baggins Stick. If I still played, I might care a little bit more. ;-) I should mention that this was my first tournament, ever, so I'm not too displeased with the outcome.
High point of the day: setting off Devilry of Orthanc in a DRAFT game. That was cool. Unfortunately I didn't bring any Parallax Arguers with me.