9:43 PM, Wednesday, May 14, 2003 |
So I was talking with Jia and Gerard today, and Jia asks when Saving Private Ryan came out. "6 years ago," I reply, and suddenly it hits me that 2003 is half over. College just started a week ago, it seems like, and yet the year is half gone. I think I've taken this year for granted.
In other news, I finished the first part of my Dance of Death today. Physics went down without a whimper; I wish I could say the same for calc and chem, which are my dances Friday and Monday.
Wow. The year is half over, and I've barely begun to work.
... wow.
That's ... yeah. Wow.
But I did get an email from Steve today about the DVD of The Matrix only being $12.99 at Best Buy, so we went down there and hit it up after church. Good stuff. Can't watch it until Monday night; too busy with finals. But it's tempting.
Yeah ... so that's my life.