fifty years have ridden off into the sunset
I'm sorry but I'm just thinking of the right words to say
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be
But if you wait around a while I'll make you fall for me
I promise, I promise you I will
10:50 PM, Friday, June 20, 2003 |
I know Kaelis, at least I thought I did! I post some info on a DVD and Kaelis responds with: WE DON'T CARE.
I was thinking.... that was kinda rude.... I posted to him that I do not want him to reply to me at all if he doesn't care and if he is going to reply in a negative manner.
Then I get this:
look, genius boy, there's a perfectly good thread for DVD discussions. Anybody who gives a flaming hat about the TTT extras will be THERE, so posting it here is extremely bloody IRRITATING when you INTERRUPT A PERFECTLY GOOD CONVERSATION TO REPOST A STUPID LIST FROM TORN JUST SO YOU CAN OUTGEEK THE REST OF US.
Now if you other mods don't see this as a post aimed at dissing somebody(hate) then I don't know what you think is!
genius boy -- that was negative
interrupted a perfectly good conversation- LOL....Oh...So now I can't post in that thread at all I guess... Like it is his.. and only his friends have a right to chat in there and be accepted.
TO REPOST A STUPID- Negative, I mean come on.... It's like he hates me... for posting a list........!!!!!!!!
If nobody thinks that this is negative.... then you are probably a friend of Kaelis who doesn't want to go against him....
I love J-fricking-e-e-z, you're pathetic.