9:08 PM, Wednesday, July 09, 2003 |
Spent most of last night at the house of one of my oldest friends ... basically I grew up with him. We've known each other since we were four or so ... can't believe it's been that long. But catching up was fun, finding out how we've grown and going over old times ...
Spent most of today around downtown Palo Alto. I did have lunch at the Peninsula Creamery though, which was cool ... sometime in the past four years it's changed its name to the Palo Alto Creamery, but I doubt any of the natives call it that ... well, none of the natives who've been here for a while anyway.
Also picked up Heroes Die, which is essentially the novel that comes before Blade of Tyshalle ... kind of different focus though. Heroes Die is action; Blade is action and philosophy. So ... *shrug* well, it's a good book, anyway.