Well, being back is proving interesting. My roommate is pretty cool thus far, which is nice. And he plays the guitar, so we're being horrible at it together. ;-) Likes DMB which is cool, nice to have tolerable music across the room as well. Last night was spent alternately on the guitars, talking, throwing darts at a dartboard, and generally lazing around.
Then after class today I went out with BJ and got some food, and driving back there was an accident on Nicholls Road right outside SBU. Cars were lined up trying to get out the entrance, so BJ being nobody but himself rolls down his window and starts yelling "Accident! Accident!" at the drivers on the other side of the road. As we're driving past, everyone starts turning around. I was laughing too hard to speak. You would have been, too.
Side note: I'm not sure if I should feel like I've gotten away with something when I leave the room for an hour and a half without setting an away message, then come back and nobody's IMed me. Maybe I should just feel unloved.