Well, I was dropped from AMS 361 for reasons as yet unknown, although it appears the class is full.
However, Mike and Adam are in ESE 271 and ESE 218 with me, and I think in 305 as well. So I was talking with them over lunch and apparently they had the same problem so are taking AMS 210 instead -- next semester's math course. So anyway, I signed up for it: Linear Algebra. Insanely easy course, apparently. Sure looks like it, because it's about linear equations, vectors, and matrices. Yawn. I need that A though.
218 was ... bad. Some girl walks in fifteen minutes late, looks over my shoulder at my syllabus, then takes it and sits down, completely oblivious to the fact that she's just divested someone of the course outline and ignorant of the odd looks I threw at her for the next five minutes. Then for the rest of class she just sits there like a moron. No notes. Nothing. Just this blank stare. I mean, I can't blame her for the no-notes thing; the prof was going over NUMBERING SYSTEMS. Binary. Decimal. Octal. Hex. Which we've all learned SIX TIMES before. In BOTH prerequisite courses for this class. This is why we have prereqs, no? But anyway ...
I went to AMS 210 to see what it was all about. I shouldn't have. All he did was talk about vectors. All class. Which we've all had before. Many times. Ironically, he was talking about rendering 3-dimensional objects in 2-dimensional space, and how you can render 4-dimensional objects in 3-dimensional space. Me, I can't understand why you can't just use a progression of graphs, since the fourth dimension is time, but anyway, the class was living proof of his statement, since he was so boring that we as 3-dimensional humans rendered time: 20 minutes passed between the time there was half an hour to go and the time there was 25 minutes to go.
Oh, and Mike and Adam both play WC3. This should be a fun semester. Too bad they're not on campus though ...