On Fire |
12:23 AM, Sunday, November 30, 2003 |
Unimportant side note: yesterday I was passing a gas station and saw a guy pumping gas ... seated in a folding chair. Odd people.
So today has not been a good day for my family and fires. First, around 3am my second cousin once removed's mother-in-law (side note: no, I don't know the relationship off-hand; we spent about ten minutes debating it at the family Thanksgiving party today) had a fire in her house that ended up destroying most of the stuff accumulated in her 84-year life. As well, her daughter was living there, and was going to move out today. All her stuff was in boxes, and it was all lost in the fire -- and she nearly died when she searched for her pocketbook and car keys rather than getting out of the bloody house. Worse still, a firefighter was killed when the firefighters blew the basement windows and he was trapped inside.
Then, at the Thanksgiving party the howling wind blew down the attempts to build a fire in the fireplace, nearly spreading it to the living room. So as two people were walking up the stairs and waving hello, others are throwing burning logs out at them and screaming wildly. Nice way to say hello, I think. The smoke detectors had to be covered with plastic to prevent them from continuing to go off.
Not just that, but mom ended up starting two fires while cooking dinner in the oven ... nearly pulled the fire out of the oven as well, then realized that was a bad idea.
So it's been a bit of a bad day for pyrotechnics over here.