On Monday I find out I'm to do word studies on the eight virtues from Colossians 3:12-14 and present them in the form of a lesson to BJ, one each week for the next two months.
This should be ... er ... interesting.
In other news, I've been insanely busy the past few nights to the point of staying Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights over at BJ's apartment rather than going back to my place. Tuesday Hector joined us, which was cool especially as it'd been a few days since we'd really gotten to talk. I started work on the first of the eight studies, while BJ (sort of) worked on the paper he had to do and Hector read through James.
Well, sort of. We didn't plan on staying there last night but we ended up crashing about 2, though I remember pulling BJ out of bed to go work on his paper. Around 9:30 I did the same thing so he'd actually wake up on time to turn it in.
It was ... uh ... a unique experience. At any rate, had a good talk with Hector most of the morning about some various stuff, then with G in the SAC and on the way to the ferry. Made it across LI Sound in record time and caught the train back to Boston, getting in around 7:50. Got home, ate, slept for a bit, got up, read, and am now probably going to go back to sleep.
It's nice having my own room and own bed again ...