fifty years have ridden off into the sunset
I'm sorry but I'm just thinking of the right words to say
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be
But if you wait around a while I'll make you fall for me
I promise, I promise you I will
Schedule for Tuesday, 11/18/03
01:00am: Finish after-hours basketball in the sports complex.
01:30am: Back to room to start studying for Systems and Signals test.
07:00am: After much procrastinating and not-studying and some studying thrown in, take a nap.
08:20am: Skip American Government to study for Systems and Signals test.
09:50am: Take Systems and Signals test.
11:05am: Complain to TA about how horrible test was. Go back to room.
11:15am: Find room. Randomly position self on bed.
11:45am: Fall asleep to make up for lack of sleep at night ... morning ... whatever.
04:45pm: Wake up. Realize haven't eaten anything all day. Continue trend.
06:20pm: Write boring blog entry. Read Matthew 4:1-11 again to make sure haven't missed anything.
06:21pm: Realize have once again turned blog into journal/diary thing or more accurately "Day Summarizer". Bang head against wall several times.
06:22pm: Realize have managed to give self massive headache. Pass out against roommate's stereo.