fifty years have ridden off into the sunset
I'm sorry but I'm just thinking of the right words to say
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be
But if you wait around a while I'll make you fall for me
I promise, I promise you I will
On Ending |
2:33 AM, Tuesday, December 30, 2003 |
I finished The Grand Crusade about a minute ago.
Now done with the LotR movies, with the NJO, with the DragonCrown War ... *sigh*.
I need a new series to work on.
Update! |
5:30 PM, Monday, December 29, 2003 |
First, make with the linky. Top ten New Year's resolutions for a Sith.
Next, update on me. You can skip this part.
I got The Grand Crusade today. I will likely be comatose for a while after reading. First RotK ends Lord of the Rings, then this ends the DragonCrown War. What else is there? (For those so inclined to say Star Wars, be quiet and tell me what else is good.)
Also picked up All Dressed Down and Nowhere to Go for six bucks ... three Dilbert books in one. So. Happy.
Finally saw Two Towers Extended. Quite good.
Er ... what else is there? Oh ... as soon as come home and stopped working hard, got sick. Predictable.
Uh ... done? Happy, Em?
To t8e ^%* w*! +ol%s /:e book.
+<6it% is lo8$in! f>r mi.
T+/&e i, ^o time.
Ple}se. Hel? 3e.
What the heck is this saying?!
- Eating the heads off the gingerbread cookies and putting the rest of the cookies back
- Brilliant dialogue such as, "Get your feet out of my face!", and "Leave my zipper [auth. note: that would be the zipper on the bottom of the leg of a pair of sweatpants] alone!"
- A fire in the fireplace ... melting the truffles brilliantly set by said fireplace
- A talking ornament talking whenever the lights blink off and on again
- Rain?
 You are most like a Sapphire!
Dark, mysterious - but unforgettable. You have a deep beauty. Delicate, and shy you try to stay away from the limelight but often your intelligence puts you in at the deep end. You're like a Sapphire, because, your beauty is priceless. You're intelligent, full of opinions, and not big-headed about it all. Sometimes you need to put yourself out there, as you can be a bit shy. Congratulations ... you're the mysterious gem everybody wants to have and learn more about.
?? Which Precious Gem Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
So I saw Return of the King tonight.
It was epic. Legolas plays the surfer, again. There are brilliant pieces, more brilliant pieces, and some letdowns, but ... well, basically you have to see it for yourself, but all I can say is that it was easily the best of the three, and that's saying quite a bit.
Demented fans of the book (read: nutjobs) will not find nearly as much to gripe about in this movie. Except the ones who complain, "He didn't do that in the movie!" And those ones need to shut up already.
People were glaring at me when I made snarky comments.
And my candy all melted in my jacket pocket.
But I'm done with finals!!! Go me!
On Finals |
5:39 PM, Thursday, December 18, 2003 |
Ugh ... four down, one to go. The problem being that the one is ESE 271, Electric Circuit Analysis, which is quite possibly the most difficult class I will ever take. It's a whole lot of boring theory and I'd really like to get it over with, but I have no idea what's going to happen with this final. If I ace the final ... maybe, just maybe I can pull off a decent grade.
In other news, ESE 305 Systems and Signals, ESE 218 Digital Systems Design, POL 102 American Government, and AMS 210 Linear Algebra are all over with, although the LinAlg final was slightly more difficult than expected ... okay, much more difficult than expected.
One more day ... okay, it's going to be the longest day of my college career, but it's still only one more day.
On Color |
5:56 PM, Sunday, December 14, 2003 |
You are usually very straight-forward. You have a passive personality and enjoy nurturing those around you. You are very grounded and prefer to keep things simple and honest.
Find out your color at Quiz Me!
Honestly, right now I feel like I'm being dragged in twelve different directions at once. I'm out until 2, 3 in the morning; then I get back to my room and I spend a couple hours online talking with people there, then I go to sleep and avoid all my classes (which has become a non-issue as I'm done with classes for the semester anyway). I have major studying to do for ESE 271 as I *really* want to bring my grade up in that class. Yet somehow I feel like the next week will be my least busy week of the semester ... mostly because there's no ministry meeting Monday, no Life Talks Tuesday ... yet I *know* that somehow there will be a conspiracy to get me working on those days too.
I feel like I have no time to breathe, let alone sleep. And my body is shutting down on me, too; I got something like nine hours of sleep last night because my body refused to listen to the alarm clock going off at 9am and so instead woke me up at quarter to 1. I didn't even hear the phone ring, twice, and usually that's a surefire way to wake me up. My body is mutinying and I don't like it. It can mutiny when I'm at home; at least then I won't be running around all day and night.
Watch me get sick when I get home.
Now I feel like I'm complaining, which I really shouldn't be. And I suppose I'm not; I asked for this, after all, and I love the work I do and the hours I keep. It's just ... well, I guess I feel like butter scraped over too much bread. And I suppose this is me being taught to rely not on my own strength but on God's.
Go me. And go God, because I really can't manage this on my own.
In other news: have not yet spoken to subject of last post as haven't been able to talk to her in ... roughly a week or so. Maybe more. Am getting a little bit worried.
When you're someone whom people tend to look to for guidance and help, who's expected to have answers and always know what they're doing, where do you turn when you need advice? When you can't talk to the people you've learned to trust because they're too involved in the situation, who can you trust with your fears?
I'm a little scared for someone I care about. What's worse, I'm not sure how to reach out to her about these fears. Above all, I don't want to see her hurt ... but it feels like that's exactly what's going to happen if she continues down the path she seems to have chosen.
And yet, how can I talk to her about this when I feel like I'm in a similar situation myself? I've prided myself on being different from the pack, of being someone who can be trusted to not judge as others would. Yet here I am, seeing things in exactly the same way any other person who's fit to pass comment would. Am I no better than those who would condemn for mere appearances? And who am I to judge the hearts of men?
Worse, I wonder if I'm this conflicted because I feel like I have a personal stake in her decision. I know it's ridiculous, but it's there anyway.
Ah, me ... how far I have to go before I see the face of God. How much growing I have to do.
I wish I could be sure of myself.
I wasn't looking for a lifetime with you
I never thought it would hurt just to hear
"I do" and "I do" and I do a number on myself
And all that I thought to be
And you'll be the one who just left me undone by my own hesitation
And for the million hours that we were
Well, I'll smile and remember it all
Then I'll turn and go
While your story's completed, mine is a long way from done
I'm on a champagne high
Where will I be when I stop wondering why
On a champagne high
Spring turned to summer, but the winter turned mean
The distance seemed right at the time, it was best
To leave and to leave behind what I once thought was fine
And so real to me
And while I'm still gone on the quest for my song I'm at your celebration
And for the million hours that we were
Well, I'll smile and remember it all
Then I'll turn and go
While your story's completed, mine is a long way from done
I'm on a champagne high
Where will I be when I stop wondering why
On a champagne high
I'd toast to the future but that'd be a lie
On a champagne high
Your wagon's been hitched to a star
Well, now he'll be your thing that's new
What little I have you can borrow
'cause I'm old, and I'm blue ...
And for the million hours that we were
Well, I'll smile and remember it all
Then I'll turn and go
I'm on a champagne high
Where will I be when I stop wondering why
On a champagne high
I'd toast to the future but that'd be a lie
On a champagne high
So high you left me undone
I'm so high you left me undone
Snow has been falling steadily here since Friday afternoon. Expected to have almost 2 feet of accumulation; it'd be worse except a lot of it is melting as it hits the ground. Devo was cancelled Friday (grumble), study was cancelled Saturday (grumble), and it's a pain to get between buildings to chill with the gang.
Roads are likewise in horrible condition and snow has not stopped falling which means we may have our own private little service here on campus tomorrow. Go us.
On the plus side, have managed to spend most of Friday night and Saturday with various people. And am currently enjoying my lack of things to do. Is quite a change from usual.
Found have never put "Champagne High" lyrics up here. Will remedy that shortly.
On Living |
3:20 PM, Thursday, December 04, 2003 |
Yes, I *am* alive ... but I have nothing to post here.