When you're someone whom people tend to look to for guidance and help, who's expected to have answers and always know what they're doing, where do you turn when you need advice? When you can't talk to the people you've learned to trust because they're too involved in the situation, who can you trust with your fears?
I'm a little scared for someone I care about. What's worse, I'm not sure how to reach out to her about these fears. Above all, I don't want to see her hurt ... but it feels like that's exactly what's going to happen if she continues down the path she seems to have chosen.
And yet, how can I talk to her about this when I feel like I'm in a similar situation myself? I've prided myself on being different from the pack, of being someone who can be trusted to not judge as others would. Yet here I am, seeing things in exactly the same way any other person who's fit to pass comment would. Am I no better than those who would condemn for mere appearances? And who am I to judge the hearts of men?
Worse, I wonder if I'm this conflicted because I feel like I have a personal stake in her decision. I know it's ridiculous, but it's there anyway.
Ah, me ... how far I have to go before I see the face of God. How much growing I have to do.
I wish I could be sure of myself.